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Canadian police wait until dawn to target Ambassador Bridge protesters, many leave with no resistance

The only thing the communist left could say negative about the Freedom Convoy protestors in Canada was that maybe some blockades were disrupting trade with traffic blocked on the Ambassador Bridge, which imports and exports to go and from Windsor and Detroit. Police were supposed to raid these protesters late last night. Instead, Canadian police waited until dawn, and many protesters just drove away, peacefully offering no resistance to the police. See how it’s done Black Lives Matter Marxists? The Freedom Convoy continues to roll on in other parts of Canada, including in front of the Parliament building in Ottawa.

A tense standoff at a U.S.-Canadian border crossing crucial to both countries’ economies appeared to be dissolving peacefully Saturday as Canadian police moved in to disperse the nearly weeklong blockade and demonstrators began leaving without resistance.

Many demonstrators drove away from the Ambassador Bridge spanning the river between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, as scores of police approached shortly after dawn. They had spent the night there in defiance of new warnings to end the blockade, which disrupted the flow of traffic and goods and forced the auto industry on both sides to roll back production.

Surrounded by dozens of officers, one man with “Trump 2024” and “Mandate Freedom” spray-painted on his vehicle left in the morning as other protesters began dismantling a small tarp-covered encampment.

This week’s demonstrations at the Ambassador Bridge, downtown Ottawa and elsewhere have targeted vaccine mandates and other coronavirus restrictions. There is also an outpouring of fury toward Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has called them a “fringe” of Canadian society.