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Ontario Provincial Police (Ericka Ingram) going door to door to tell Canadians how to peacefully protest

Meet Ericka Ingram, police officer in the Ontario Provincial Police. Apparently, she is going door to door in Ontario warning people about how they protest or something. Now I’ve seen everything. I can’t imagine police in this country being as corrupt as I’ve seen so far from the Canadian police, at least those in the province of Ontario. This Ontario police officer, named Ericka Ingram admitted on a video at the home of a protest supporter that not only are they the Ontario Provincial Police monitoring all of the truckers and their supporters Facebook activity, they are even passing out cards on “how to protest” or something.

It’s 1984 in Canada.

All I can say is, WOW! Justin Trudeau (who many in Canada call Fidel Castro Jr.) is not only emulating Cuba, but communist China too! This is beyond disgusting!

WTF happened to you Canada? Nevermind..Considering what the communist Democrats have done to this country, I really shouldn’t say anything.