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San Francisco homeless man says he moved from Texas to California because “They pay you to be homeless here”

Ah San Francisco. Home to Nancy Pelosi, drug needles and poop in the streets and an ever growing homeless population. Seems even the homeless from other states, like Texas are moving to California, especially Pelosiville in San Francisco. One homeless man said he moved to San Francisco from Texas because “They pay you to be homeless here”. Yes, we are living on a parallel time line folks.

When you think about it from the homeless person’s perspective, moving from Texas to California makes perfect sense!

A homeless man in California recently admitted that he moved to the West Coast from Texas because he knew it was easier to live the homeless lifestyle in San Francisco.

“If you’re gonna be homeless, it’s pretty f***ing easy here,” he said of the Bay Area city. “I mean, if we’re gonna be realistic, they pay you to be homeless here.”

The homeless man, identified only as James, went on to say that he receives $820 in welfare and food stamps every month and added that living on the street is easier in San Fransisco because the progressive city simply doesn’t enforce anti-camping laws.

James’ frank admission came as part of a series of street interviews conducted by best-selling author Michael Shellenberger. The author, who is known for “Apocalypse Never” and “San Francscko,” posted some of the interviews in a Twitter thread Wednesday.

“People are surprised by these interviews because much of what we’ve read is propaganda put forward by activists with an agenda [and] reporters who are also ideological but also lazy [and] too scared to ask direct questions of street people,” he said in one of the tweets.