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Neocon Tom Cotton jumps on the Russia invading Ukraine bandwagon

Again, the whole Russia invading Ukraine BS isn’t limited to the communist Democrats and warmonger Joe Biden. Plenty of neocons in the Republican party are trying to get us involved in yet another war, because of Ukraine’s border with Russia. I just wish neocons would show this much concern for our own borders with Mexico! Tom Cotton, who sounds good on paper and talks a big game about holding communists accountable for their crimes against America is your typical Lindsey Graham style neocon, always pushing foreign wars.

The expectation of Russia invading Ukraine is becoming progressively more likely based on recent military patterns, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., analyzed on “America Reports” Thursday.

According to Russian military movement and the commencement of drills with Belarus, Cotton anticipated that President Putin has every intention to attack the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv first, pending invasion.

“The sad fact is that Russia has troops encircling Ukraine and they’re exposed on almost every front,” he said. “But my estimate based, on the late troops movements into Belarus, is that Vladimir Putin decided that he wanted to get to the capital sooner rather than later.”