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Inflation hits another ugly 40 year high at 7.5% Thanks Joe!

Let’s all thank feckless Joe Biden once again for yet another accomplishment. Inflation is at 7.5%, the highest since February of 1982, in yet another “accomplishment” for Joe Biden and the communist Democrats. I blame anyone who was stupid enough to vote for Comrade Biden.

Inflation soared over the past year at its highest rate in four decades, hammering America’s consumers, wiping out pay raises and reinforcing the Federal Reserve’s decision to begin raising borrowing rates across the economy.

The Labor Department said Thursday that consumer prices jumped 7.5% last month compared with 12 months earlier, the steepest year-over-year increase since February 1982. Shortages of supplies and workers, heavy doses of federal aid, ultra-low interest rates and robust consumer spending combined to send inflation accelerating in the past year.

When measured from December to January, inflation was 0.6%, the same as the previous month and more than economists had expected. Prices had risen 0.7% from October to November and 0.9% from September to October.