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Freedom Convoy spreads to New Zealand

The Freedom Convoy is spreading beyond the borders of Canada. A new Freedom Convoy has formed in New Zealand, with thousands of vehicles blocking streets around New Zealand’s Parliament. New Zealand protesters like Canadian protesters want an end to the mandates.

Hordes of vehicles blocked streets around New Zealand’s Parliament on Tuesday, in a protest mirroring others building around the world demanding an end to coronavirus restrictions and vaccine mandates.

An estimated “hundreds” to over a “thousand” vehicles have surged into the capital of Wellington with authorities reluctant to move them on or arrest them due to fears about the “safety” of their “staff.”

New Zealand’s leftist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has declined to meet with the convoy, saying she is too “busy” to meet her opponents.

Vehicles in the convoy included cars, trucks and motorbikes and displayed signs such as “Jabcinda we know you sold your soul to the devil”, “Stop the mandate #Freedom” and “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful.”