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Biden even more likely to be impeached if weak Republicans take House in November

As much gerrymandering as the Democrats are doing in blue states (and of course not being challenged by the weak Republicans), the GOP is still expected to take back the House in November. I think the whole “red wave” is overplayed, as if you look at the newly drawn congressional maps, the Democrats are completely wiping the floor with Republicans, changing once Republican leaning seats into Democrat leaning seats. Still, if by some miracle the Republicans do take the House in 2022, China Joe Biden is more and more likely to be impeached.

What a difference a midterm election makes.

Or should make, that is, come January 2023, after the Republican Party more than likely kicks Democrat ass in November and takes back control of the House — and hopefully the Senate — in January.

This time, instead of Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats impeaching Donald Trump every 15 minutes on bogus trumped-up charges, a Republican majority appears more than like to impeach Joe Biden based on at least one legitimate charge: failing to secure the border of the United States.

Moreover, it’s not like Biden isn’t already on a downward slide regarding “the I-word.”

As my colleague Nick Arama reported, a Rasmussen poll released on January 31 found that fully 50 percent of likely voters backed impeaching Biden over his purposely-created Biden Border Crisis™ and the Biden Afghanistan Debacle™, with 45 percent opposing it.

Perhaps even more shocking, 50 percent of Black voters supported impeachment, which was also supported by one in three — 34 percent of — Democrat voters. As Nick noted, the results were astounding.