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Is Biden puppet master Ron Klain about to go?

As the Biden regime continues to spin out of control, there are rumors that one of Biden’s main puppet masters, Chief of Staff Ron Klain may be headed for the exits soon, as staff for both Biden and Harris look to be jumping a sinking ship.

As the Biden administration continues to garner low approval ratings amid frequent setbacks to its legislative agenda, President Biden is being pressured to shake things up among his staff.

It increasingly appears that Ron Klain, the White House chief of staff, may end up losing his job as the president’s top adviser.

Critics say that Klain has pushed the administration leftward on a number of crucial policy issues, resulting in a seemingly perpetual series of blunders.

Notably, Klain’s own Twitter was cited in the 6-3 Supreme Court ruling that struck down the Biden administration’s private-sector vaccine mandate.

Klain retweeted a statement that celebrated the OSHA vaccine mandate as “the ultimate work-around” for the federal government to require large-scale vaccination.

Klain is also believed to be the person responsible for leaking news of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement.