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Eric Adams, New York City mayor is a racist POS

Remember before the November election, how “conservative” media like so called Fox News, Newsmax and others kept promoting Eric Adams as being the grown up and man New York City needed to get the city back on track after eight years of embarrassment from Bill de Blasio? Turns out I was right again. Eric Adams is not only a communist clown, but he’s also a filthy, racist, anti-police POST. A video from 2019 has leaked showing Adams calling NYPD officers “crackers”, the slur against whites.

Where the hell was this video during the mayor campaign? Dumb ass Republican worthless candidate couldn’t find this racist video of Eric Adams?

I’m tired of these god damn double standards and the weak and timidness of Republicans!

New York City deserves the embarrassment and failures of Bill de Blasio. Now, they reap what they sow with racist Eric Adams.