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Whoopi Goldberg is really a Karen! Birth name: Caryn Elaine Johnson

Whoopi Goldberg may be her “stage name”, but she’s really a Karen, just spelled differently. Anti-Semite Whoopi Goldberg’s birth name is Caryn Elaine Johnson. No matter how you spell it, Caryn or Karen, she’s still a Karen, and an anti-Semitic one. Not only is Whoopi Goldberg an anti-Semitic Karen, she’s always BFFs with the likes of Harvey Weinstein.

I used to be of the stance of we shouldn’t stoop to the left’s level and want to cancel anyone. But that’s changed. From now on, anyone on the left, including Karen Whoopi Goldberg, needs a taste of their own medicine. I want Goldberg fired, shamed and shunned to give her what she and her acolytes too often have promoted.

The View has long lived past it’s use before date. It’s a bunch of left wing cows spewing Democrat hateful propaganda. Of course this wouldn’t happen until ABC and The View’s sponsors feel it in the wallet with advertiser boycotts. I wish conservatives would quit the “we don’t stoop to their level” and starting fighting dirty too.