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Good news: Turtle McConnell may be replaced as GOP Senate Leader, bad news: it may be another RINO..

Turtle Mitch McConnell days as GOP leader in the Senate may be coming to an end. Good news right? Getting rid of McConnell is obviously good news, as the do nothing turtle is worthless. But guess who they are talking about as a replacement? How about uber RINOs John Thune of South Dakota or John Cornyn of Texas? These two clowns would be equally as bad as McConnell, though I don’t think they could be worse.

Basically, it’s garbage in, garbage out.

The question confronting Senate Republicans now is: Which John?

The decision by Senate Minority Whip John Thune to run for reelection sets up an intricate shuffle among a trio of Republicans named John to succeed McConnell. There’s Thune the South Dakotan, McConnell’s current deputy, as well as former whip John Cornyn of Texas, the two favorites to succeed the GOP leader. Then there’s John Barrasso, the No. 3 Senate GOP leader whom Republicans believe is likely to ascend to the whip job first as Cornyn and Thune compete to succeed McConnell.

“They’re all named John, aren’t they?” said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.). “Wow.”

McConnell confirmed Tuesday he’ll seek to remain party leader after this fall’s midterms, no surprise given his goal of surpassing the late Sen. Mike Mansfield’s record for leadership longevity a year from now. Thune’s pursuit of a fourth term, however, has left the Senate GOP newly abuzz over who might take the reins post-McConnell, since political trajectories can change in an instant in the Senate.