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Eric Adams is De Blasio 2.0 – supports legislation allowing 800,000 noncitizens to vote

Can we finally end the Eric Adams is going to better than Bill de Blasio talk? The media, including right wing media tried to play this clown up as being a “tough on crime”, take no bullshit Democrat, unlike the rest who are just communist crooks intent on destroying their cities and the country. Eric Adams, since taking office a week ago has already shown he is really nothing more than a clone of De Blasio, just maybe not as dumb. Eric Adams who at one time said he had concerns about allowing non-citizens to vote in New York City elections has suddenly flipped and now fully supports it. When will you people learn. ALL DEMOCRATS ARE COMMUNISTS!

Don’t think for a second that Eric Adams just had a sudden change of heard. He is just a Democrat party hack who supported it all along.

Newly sworn in New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Saturday that he supports legislation passed by the city council allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections.

“I believe that New Yorkers should have a say in their government, which is why I have and will continue to support this important legislation,” Adams, a Democrat who took office at the start of 2022, said in a statement. “While I initially had some concerns about one aspect of the bill, I had a productive dialogue with my colleagues in government that put those concerns at ease. I believe allowing the legislation to be enacted is by far the best choice, and look forward to bringing millions more into the democratic process.”