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More than 200 Marines have been discharged from military due to vaccine refusal

As Biden continues to weaken the country’s military and indoctrinate it with left wing CRT crap, he is also shrinking the size of the military over his ridiculous vaccine mandates. Over 200 Marines have been discharged by the military for refusing to take the jab. It’s not known what kind of discharge these Marines have been given (dishonorable, honorable or whatever). Biden is weaking the military on purpose for China’s benefit.

More than 200 Marines have been booted from the United States military for refusing to submit to a coronavirus vaccine.

Fox News confirmed Thursday that 206 U.S. Marines have been kicked out of the military since late November for refusing to take the vaccine.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Aug. 25 directed all military branches to ensure service members receive the vaccine as the number of cases surged over the summer. The deadlines for each branch of the military passed as of Dec. 15, and disciplinary action appeared to immediately follow.

Several Marines who refused to get the shot were granted anonymity by Fox News Digital, so they could speak freely. They said they are witnessing a “political purge” by the Biden administration that is forcing out the military’s “best and brightest” over deeply held beliefs they say are protected by the First Amendment.

“There’s something fundamentally wrong at this point with our nation’s leadership,” said a major with more than 17 years of active service. “We are facing an unconstitutional edict that I think is very targeted as a political purge, taking out some of the best and brightest soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and guardians from the Space Force.”