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Stephanie Murphy, Florida communist Democrat isn’t running for re-election (22nd retiring)

The 2022 election is going to be so fun to watch. If you enjoyed 2010 and 2016 like I did, 2022 will likely be better than those years. (seems like every six years). Murphy is a pretend moderate Democrat. The media hacks love to claim she’s a “moderate”, but she voted with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time. Doesn’t sound too “moderate” to me.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy, a leading voice of House Democrats’ moderate wing, announced Monday she won’t seek reelection next fall in another stinging loss for her party.

The Florida Democrat — who flipped a GOP-held battleground seat in 2016 and helped write the party’s playbook for its House takeover two years later — said she is leaving the Hill to spend more time with her family, including her two school-aged children.

“It’s been a real honor for me to serve in Congress, but it does come at a personal sacrifice. My time away has been hard on my family and my kids and on me,” Murphy told POLITICO.

A leader of the centrist Blue Dog Coalition, Murphy once mulled a challenge against Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) next fall. Instead, she said she will leave after finishing her current term in the House, where she and other moderates hope to help salvage President Joe Biden’s climate and social spending bill.

Murphy said she hopes “to open a new chapter in my life, one in which I can spend a bit more time with my family.”

Murphy is the 22nd incumbent House Democrat to forgo a reelection bid next year. The growing wave of departures comes as historical and political headwinds suggest a likely GOP midterm takeover, and as the House itself becomes a more toxic and stressful environment amid the twin calamities of Covid and the Capitol insurrection. Murphy, a member of the high-profile investigation into those Jan. 6 riots, has faced a dramatic uptick of threats against her and her family.