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Rumors swirl: Manchin to become independent

As communist Democrats continue to smear Manchin over his no vote on communist BBB, rumors are starting to swirl that Manchin may leave the Democrats and become an independent. Of course,. if he caucuses with the Democrats like Bernie Sanders or Anus King, it wouldn’t give Republicans control of the Senate.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) may reportedly become an independent after the Biden administration on Sunday accused the senator of disloyalty.

Following Manchin’s vocal opposition to Biden’s $1.9 trillion Build Back Better bill, the White House accused Manchin of breaching “his commitments to the President.”

The accusation may result in Manchin becoming an independent, though he would still caucus with Democrats, Axios reported.

Manchin is from West Virginia, a red state that Biden lost in 2020 by nearly 40 points.

“I’m from West Virginia,” he said Monday. “I’m not from where they’re [Democrats] from, and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they’ll be submissive, period.”

For months Joe Biden tried to work out a deal with Manchin to enact the spending package in the 50/50 split Senate. Manchin maintained throughout the negotiations he opposed major provisions in the package.