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Fareed Zakaria CNN on why Biden is so unpopular: “complicated times.”

No Fareed. Joe Biden isn’t so widely, and historically unpopular because of “complicated times”. Instead, Biden is so widely unpopular because he’s a buffoon, he lied cheated his way into office, he can’t even form a sentence, and of course there’s always Kamala Harris. No one likes Joe Biden.

Liberal CNN host and Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria admitted Thursday he was puzzled by President Biden’s unpopularity.

In a Post piece headlined, “The puzzle of Joe Biden’s unpopularity,” Zakaria claimed Biden’s low approval rating wasn’t actually his fault, but that he was instead “paying the price” for being president during “complicated times.”

“I find President Biden’s unpopularity puzzling. He is rounding out his first year in the White House with the lowest end of first-year approval ratings of any elected president in modern times with the exception of Donald Trump. Why?” Zakaria wrote.

He described Biden as “a genial, likable person,” and noted that some of his policies were popular amongst Americans with even some Republican support, but also claimed that the country was doing “reasonably well” economically, despite record inflation, nationwide supply chain challenges and a labor shortage.