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Yet another alleged pervert at CNN

Now I know why slappy Jeffrey Toobin was never fired by CNN. It’s a culture at CNN that caters to perverts. This latest allegation is about a sicko who wanted nude pics of a mother and daughter. Chris Wallace has found a perfect new home.

“He thinks he can confide in me with everything because of my past and the things that I’ve been through. He thinks it’s, like, no big deal telling me, but it’s the complete opposite. Hearing — hearing the things that he was saying, reading the things he was saying — even about my daughter, he’s asked for things — and it has infuriated me.” Bonanni’s own daughter is 15. The CNN perv has asked for mother-daughter nude pics several times, according to texts Bonanni preserved.

The Veritas report plays snippets from a phone conversation Bonanno recorded with the sleaze bag, where he describes what he wants to do to his fiancé’s daughter. “… I’m gonna walk up and put my crotch very close to her face, slowly unzip my zipper, and just guide her head a little closer … “; it gets worse from there.

“She was wearing very closely cut bottoms at the pool,” texted the perv on another occasion. “Could see the outlines of her *****. Definitely wanted a Picture.”

Bonanni is positioned to benefit financially from her allegations. Project Veritas helps publicize fundraisers for its sources who come forward and put their names and faces to their accusations, because they often lose their jobs and social networks in the process. She also admits at one point that the man she is accusing has sent her money fairly recently, so it’s not impossible to imagine that she was perhaps goading and recording him with the idea of blackmailing him at some point. But even if that were the case, the fact is that, unless there’s some masterful forgery going on, the guy said and texted really creepy, vulgar things about a minor girl with whom he lives.

“If he’s talking about this girl, he’s talking about my daughter; what other things is he doing? I want this girl to be safe,” stresses Bonanni. She says she went to law enforcement with her evidence first, hoping at least to get a welfare check on the situation, but she was told that no crime had been committed. While technically this may be true, Bonanni also has a point that the situation should be watched carefully. “I just want this kid to be safe.”

Maybe CNN should set aside a portion of whatever it’s spending on “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” consultants and spend some of it on “Morality, Dignity, and Basic Human Decency” experts instead.