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Liz Cheney trying to get Paul Ryan to manipulate Fox’s Jan 6th riot coverage

Looks like old wart face, neocon Liz Cheney is sending “smoke signals” to her neocon buddy at Fox News Paul Ryan to shape their coverage and bias over the January 6th riots as the joke hearings continue to go on. Paul Ryan is slimy enough to go for this too.

As far as I’m concerned, the wart faced neocon Cheney can influence Faux all she wants. I don’t watch anymore and no plans to ever return.

That may also mean calling out the pro-Trump personalities on Fox News. Among the texts to Meadows Cheney read aloud were those from Fox hosts Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Brian Kilmeade. Their messages urging Meadows to get Trump to call off his supporters storming the Capitol contrasted with their on-air comments downplaying the riot.
But naming Fox hosts as part of an ongoing effort to target Trump could have negative consequences for Cheney’s political career. The last time Cheney appeared on the channel was November 7 with “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, who this week departed for CNN.
“I think that’s actually, for her, a pretty courageous thing, because a Republican politician has to be able to go on Fox,” said one person close to her. “To me it was like sending up a smoke signal to Paul Ryan,” the former House speaker who sits on the board of the network’s parent company, Fox Corp.