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Biden ‘Democracy Summit’ went bust after “Taiwan Insult”

Jo(K)e Biden is a complete and total disaster.

Joe Biden held a “Summit for Democracy” last week on December 9-10, “which brought together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector” to “set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action.”

Here’s what it sounded like in a supercut from Biden where he coughed, mumbled, slurred, and gaffed all over himself, as he talked about how the Build Back Better bill “evaporates the confidence” in government. He’s doing a great job at that.

That sounds like a lot of people just talking for talking’s sake, unless they are truly standing up against oppressive nations.

But instead of standing up to those oppressors, now the word is that they were kowtowing to one of them.

In one of the panel discussions at the summit, the White House had a video feed of Taiwanese minister Audrey Tang giving a slide presentation. During Tang’s presentation, there was a map showing Taiwan as a separate country in a separate color than China. Suddenly the feed that showed Tang and the map was cut. When the feed came back, it just showed a sign with Tang’s name but without Tang or the map.