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Let’s Go Brandon Christmas by Forgiato Blow (now available on iTunes)

This is awesome! We now have a Christmas themed Let’s Go Brandon song. This is done by Forgiato Blow and the video is currently on Youtube (but for how long). The song is also available for purchase on iTunes. I can’t wait for the media and the communist left to melt down completely over this Let’s Go Brandon Christmas themed son. You know they are going to, and call Forgiato Blow all kinds of names. I’ll bet they even call him a “white supremacist” even though he’s African American.

Also, it will be interesting to see how long the video remains on Youtube. You know what Youtube censors have done with the other Let’s go Brandon songs. I wonder how long it will take to get this one censored. Anyway, great job, Forgiato Blow and I’m definitely buy thing today on iTunes. I may even use it as my main ringtone!