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The left melts down after weapons charges dropped against Kyle Rittenhouse

As the jury heads to deliberation into the Kyle Rittenhouse case, the one charge against Rittenhouse that he couldn’t use self defense has been dropped. The charge of “illegal weapons” has been dropped by Judge Schroeder.

Judge Bruce Schroeder ruled in favor of the defense’s request to have a firearms charge against Kyle Rittenhouse dismissed in Kenosha County Court on Monday morning.

On Friday, as Breitbart News reported, Judge Scroeder appeared skeptical of the weapons charge, saying that the Wisconsin statue was unclear about exceptions for those over 16 years old but under 18 years old if the gun were a long-barreled rifle.

However, the judge did not throw out the charge, partly because he could not remember whether the length of the rifle Rittenhouse used had been introduced into evidence.

On Monday, as lawyers for the prosecution and the defense argued over the final draft of the jury instructions, the defense again raised the issue of the weapons charge, noting that the gun had been measured in court and that the police detective on the witness stand had confirmed that it was not short-barreled.