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Are you woman enough? Winsome Sears challenges Joy Reid to debate

Racist Joy Reid was one of the biggest losers to melt down after the Tuesday election results, whining about the usual Democrat tag line of America is racist, America is a white supremacist country, etc. Then Winsome Sears came along, became for the first woman of color ever elected to statewide office in Virginia and Reid ignored her. Now Sears is challenging racist hag Joy Reid to debate her, which you know Reid will be too chicken to do.

Virginia Lt. Governor-elect Winsome Sears challenged MSNBC host Joy Reid for an invite on the left-leaning network after Reid claimed the GOP is “dangerous” for stoking “white nationalism.”

Sears is Jamaican, a former Marine, and, after Tuesday, is the first woman of color elected to statewide office in Virginia. She defeated Democrat Hala Ayala, a member of the state’s House of Delegates, in a GOP sweep of state offices that brought Republicans into the governorship and office of state attorney general, as well.

Sears appeared on Fox News on Wednesday to react to a clip of Reid claiming that Republicans are “dangerous to our national security” for “stoking that kind of soft white nationalism [that] eventually leads to the hardcore stuff.”

“I wish Joy Reid would invite me on her show. Let’s see if she’s woman enough to do that. I’d go in a heartbeat and we’d have a real discussion without Joy speaking about me behind my back, if you will,” Sears responded. “I mean, Joy, come on. Get your facts straight and then come talk to me.”

Sears also put out a challenge to former ESPN anchor Jemele Hill to come on MSNBC as well for a “panel discussion.” Hill reacted to Republicans’ winning in Virginia by blaming “white supremacy.”