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Lindsey Graham to Senate sergeant-at-arms during Jan 6 riots: You’ve got guns. Use them

I never could understand why the left hates Lindsey Graham so much. Aside from him being a neocon, he backstabs conservatives at every chance he gets, and is basically John McCain Jr. You know, a real “Maverick” or something. Turns out there’s even more to Lindsey Graham. During the January 6th riots at the Capitol, Graham was quoted as yelling at the Senate sergeant-at-arms during Jan 6 riots: You’ve got guns. Use them.

Lindsey Graham may be the reason Ashlii Babbitt was shot!

A report published over the weekend by The Washington Post revealed that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the Senate sergeant-at-arms to retake the Senate chamber during the January 6 riot by using the guns that they were issued to protect Senators.

The Washington Post reported:

The Senate and House leaders also had been evacuated by Capitol Police and taken to an undisclosed location, but many lawmakers remained in their chambers for a few minutes before they were led to safety in the Hart Senate Office Building. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham was irate that senators were forced to flee their own chamber. He yelled at the Senate sergeant-at-arms. “What are you doing? Take back the Senate! You’ve got guns. Use them.” The South Carolina senator was adamant. “We give you guns for a reason,” he repeated. “Use them.”