There he goes again. Creepy Joe Biden, who doesn’t even know where his wife is said in Hartford today “I like kids better than people.” Wait, what? Kids aren’t people? The old creepy fool Joe Biden needs his butt wiped, his tapioca injection, or something. He’s going off the deep end again.
Joe Biden: "I like kids better than people. Fortunately, they like me. That's why maybe I like them."#LetsGoBrandon
— Cristian PM (@realCristianPM) October 15, 2021
Creepy old man. He’s Herbert the Pervert.
Biden: “Everyone knows I like kids better than people”
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) October 15, 2021
check this out;
– Biden: "I like kids better than people. Fortunately, they like me. That's why maybe I like them."– Wow, next time you would better shut up and seem an idiot than speak and demonstrate it. Teleprompter Mr. Biden, just it.
jesúsf. (@Jesusf_Malaka) October 15, 2021
#Biden says kids aren’t people!!!
#LetsGoBrandon #LordSaveUs #SaveAmerica #MAGA
— TruthSeeker (@chang_dorena) October 15, 2021
Keep out of reach of children.