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Guess which 11 RINOs voted to help communist Democrats lift the debt ceiling

And just like that, Mitch McConnell and 10 other worthless RINO Republicans bailed out the communist Democrats and lifted the debt ceiling $480 billion. 11 so called “Republicans” voted for cloture, allowing the communists the pass the debt ceiling hike with a simple majority 50-48 vote. Amazingly, one of those cloture voters did NOT include slimy Mitt Romney. But it did include the rest of the usual clowns. Who were the 11 Chinapublicans?

John Barrasso (Wyoming)
Roy Blunt (Missouri)
Shelly Moore-Capito (West Virginia)
Susan Collins (Maine)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Mikw Rounds (South Dakota)
DICK Shelby (Alabama)
John Thune (South Dakota)