Sophia Marjanovic is apparently the woman who followed Arizona Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema into public toilet and tried to lecture her on granting amnesty. Some reports say that Sophia Marjanovic is a professor at Arizona State University in Tempe, but I don’t know if that’s been verified. Marjanovic said she will have more to say about the Sinema issue later on Facebook (which at the time of this post is currently down).
BREAKING: The woman who followed Sen. Sinema into the bathroom and stood right outside the stall, posted this on Facebook
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) October 4, 2021
As long as Kyrsten Sinema stands in the way of working class power, DSA and the working class will be there fighting back and bird dogging the powers that be.
(@DemSocialists) October 3, 2021
Joe Biden is apparently a fan of Sophia Marjanovic as he defended her tactics earlier today.
BREAKING: Joe Biden laughs about his shock troops attacking @kyrstensinema in a public bathroom
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 4, 2021
Again. I have no sympathy for Sinema, or Manchin who is also being stalked by communists. They are members of the communist party. These are their people. Too bad, so sad.