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Joe Biden again poses with kids in Shanksville (even in MAGA hats)

Joe Biden’s fetish for little kids doesn’t even stop during 9/11 memorial. Yesterday in Shanksville, PA it looks like Joe Biden was posing with and groping little girls. The one funny thing about this is that some of the girls were actually wearing MAGA (Make America Great Again) hats. That’s another reason why the media isn’t showing this photo to anyone. Biden also has has his face diaper (mask) down, which is spreading COVID-19 droplets to the kids.

Does Biden not know that he looks like a creepy pedophile, always groping and posing with little girls? This is rather comical though, since many of them were in MAGA hats and shirt. The moron doesn’t even know they can’t stand him either. Well done Shanksville!

Also notice the faces of the adults. They don’t look especially impressed with Joe Biden at all. In fact, I can sense their anger at the treasonous POS.

This was also probably the largest crowd that has ever been around Biden. He didn’t understand.