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There is a domestic terrorist threat in America, it’s called AntiFA

So the media, communist Marxist Democrats and the media fell in love with George W. Bush after he tried to claim that Trump supporters were domestic terrorists, comparable to the hijackers of 9/11. The problem for Bush and all these other scum, is that in a strange sort of way, Bush is right that we have a domestic terrorist threat in this country that seems more lethal than radical Islamic extremism. Problem is for them, the real domestic terror threat to this country isn’t some MAGA wearing Trump support. The real domestic terror threat is AntiFA and other radical Marxists leftist Democrat groups in this country.

Let’s compare Islamic extremists to the Marxist radical left. Tell me how they are different.

1. They both hate America and capitalism
2. They both want to control people by race and religion
3. They attack you, verbally or physically if you disagree with them in any way.
4. Our flag and military offends them
5. They both demand control of you lives
6. they both use explosives and other weapons when they don’t like something

I could go on and on but I think I get the point. The whole “some people did something” that Ilhan Omar spewed is not because she is Islamic. It’s because she, like the rest of her party is a radical, left wing Marxist group that is not unlike Islamic terrorists.

You’ll never hear George W. Bush admit this though. He’s too chummy now with all those who called him names, insulted his family, called for him and Cheney to be tried for war crimes and mocked him mercilessly. The wokeism that these clowns preach today isn’t unlike Sharia Law that Islamic extremists practice. Bush of course is too stupid or naïve to realize this. As long as he keeps getting the love and affection from those who used to hate him, he’s ok with the lies.

The mask is off Democrats.