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Report – Hospital in Washington (state) removed multiple sick patients from its transplant wait list over their decision not to receive a coronavirus vaccine.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer by what’s considered the definition of that today, but between this and the “booster” shot the Biden reign of terror is going to promote today, this makes all this vaccine shit even more fishy. Reportedly, a hospital up in Washington (state) removed sicked patients waiting for transplants because they refused to take the COVID shot.

A hospital in Washington state has reportedly removed multiple sick patients from its transplant wait list over their decision not to receive a coronavirus vaccine.

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Conservative Seattle radio host Jason Rantz reported Tuesday that the University of Washington Medical Center has kicked “several patients” off its organ transplant list in recent months, citing an unofficial policy requiring transplant recipients to be vaccinated against the pathogen.

One of the patients, Derek Kovick, a 41-year-old man in need of a liver transplant, informed Rantz of the controversial hospital policy last week. Then shortly after, another patient, 64-year-old Sam Allen, came forward with his own story.

Allen, who suffers from a litany of heart-related medical conditions, told the radio host he had been on the hospital’s wait list for a heart transplant for more than two years. But in June, after doctors discovered that he was unvaccinated and had no plans to change that, he was informed that he would no longer be in line for the transplant.

He said it all started following a disagreement over mask-wearing at the hospital.