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Failure Biden now sending 5,000 troops to Afghanistan, not 3,000 (blames Trump of course)

This is an example of Biden “builds back better”. He is such an epic failure on the withdrawal from Afghanistan, he’s now being forced to send 5,000 US troops, not the 3,000 reportered yesterday to the terrorist cesspool to try and evacuate Americans as the Taliban gobbles up terrorist like Pac-Man gobbles up dots. He can’t even do this right, and guess who Biden is blaming for his failure in Afghanistan? Trump of course, despite the fact Trump hasn’t been in office since January.

When all else fails for the communist Democrats, blame Trump.

President Joe Biden released a statement Saturday from the White House blaming his decision to surge U.S. troops to Afghanistan combat the Taliban’s surging land acquisition on the policies of former President Donald Trump.

Biden said in the statement that he inherited a tenuous situation from the previous administration, claiming that Trump had cut a deal with the Taliban in 2019 that put them in a powerful military position. Biden also criticized Trump’s decision to roll back American forces stationed in the country.

“When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor — which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019 — that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. forces,” Biden said in the statement. “Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.”

Biden announced that he was raising the total number of troops in Afghanistan to 5,000 despite both Biden and Trump previously working toward withdrawing U.S. military presence in the nation.

The president said that he was forced to make a decision between honoring the deal with the Taliban established under the Trump administration and bolsterinng the U.S. presence in Afghanistan.