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Rachel Maddow may be leaving MSNBC as rats continue fleeing sinking media ship

CNN has most of the problems these days, but MSNBC could be in deep trouble too if reports about Rachel Maddow considering leaving are true. Maddow, easily the most popular communist on MSDNC is said to be looking to take her shit show elsewhere, according to left wing sources. IF she does, MSNBC ratings will battle with CNN for embarrassment. She wants to spend “more time with her family” or something.

One of MSNBC’s most popular liberal hosts is seriously considering leaving the cable news network according to a Daily Beast report.

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Rachel Maddow has been the top ratings host for the progressive network, but her contract is ending next year, and the negotiations with MSNBC are not going well.

The Daily Beast report said six sources confirmed to them that Maddow was seeking media alternatives to continuing as the flagship host to the left-wing alternative to Fox News. She has hinted to her viewers that she has been tiring of running a daily show and has said in the past she wants to spend more time with her family.