Last year, unfunny hack Stephen Colbert was so in love with Andrew Cuomo that you thought it might be time for the two of them to get a room. Now, all of a sudden, the sexual harrasment claims come out, Cuomo resigns an the communist liberal media hacks and unfunny comics try to jump as fast as they ca off the Cuomo train. That includes Stephen Colbert who for whatever reason decided to have potato head Brian Stelter of CNN on his lame show last night. And believe it or not, it wasn’t the usual, softball, crap. Colbert actually went after CNN for keeping Fredo Chris Cuomo on the air, even after it’s been revealed he is STILL advising his handsy brother.
TONIGHT: @BrianStelter talks about the "wide range of opinions" inside CNN regarding anchor Chris Cuomo's coverage of his brother Andrew. #LSSC
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) August 11, 2021
Now do Jeffrey Toobin.