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Annie Karni – CNN/NYT arrogant hack: Obama maskless party ok because he only invited “a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd”

These arrogant communists really believe that they are more “sophisticated”. Annie Karni, a New York Times White House Correspondent, who went on CNN and the Jim Acosta show (he has a show now?) defended Obama’s super-spreader birthday bash over the weekend with hundreds of people basically in tents, indoors as them being more “a sophisticated, vaccinated crowd”. However, Fauci went on TV to bash the Surgis bike rally crowd in South Dakota. I guess they just aren’t as “sophisticated” as the Obama and communists who attended his party.

Personally, I’m happy that Obama had his big ass party. It shows that the media is really trying to scare people with all these variants. If in fact, everyone at Obama’s party was vaccinated and not wearing masks, then good for them. I may not be as “sophisticated” as they are, but I still like parties.