Why is the Supreme Court so damn weak? With a so called 6-3 majority (which is more like 5-4 because John Roberts is useless), it was widely assumed that conservatives would own the Supreme Court for decades and be able to get rid of communist Democrat policy. But that hasn’t been the case. Trump’s last two SCOTUS picks, Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett have been huge disappointments, and now Alito and Thomas are warning conservatives.
SCOTUS Justices Alito & Thomas are already publicly warning conservatives that Barrett & Kavanaugh "lack fortitude" and are "unwilling to bear the criticism" that will come with making conservative decisions.
— Emerald Robinson
(@EmeraldRobinson) July 16, 2021
I knew Kavanaugh was weak. He was a globalist Bush hack who basically curled up in a ball when Democrats and the media personally attacked him and called him a rapist.
Amy Coney Barrett is a big surprise though, at least to me. I figured she was a solid choice by Trump for the Supreme Court, who would uphold American values rather than communist, globalist and liberal values. As we’ve seen since the denial of reviewing the 2020 election fraud cases, both Coney-Barrett and Kavanaugh have completely been useless, cowards imtimiated by the press and communist Democrats.