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Jeff Flake, Biden lapdog gets ambassadorship to Turkey

I don’t know if being given an ambassadorship to a crappy country like Turkey is considered a “reward” or not, but Jeff Flake, Biden lapdog (like Cindy McCain), both of Arizona has been “rewarded” with an ambassadorship. Hey Turkey, do us all a favor and keep him! Jeff Flake is about as much of a Republican as Willard Mitt Romney is. Good riddance. Move to Turkey and take your slimy family.

Flake pretended to be a “tea party” member in 2010, but was revealed as a true piece of trash.

Flake has been a darling of the Democrats ever since he threw in with the sad-sack Never Trump crowd a few years back. He did that after having failed his Republican constituents in Arizona so utterly that he had to end his bid for a second Senate term more than a year before the election.

In Flake’s revisionist history version of the story, he was run out of office by rabid Trump Republicans in my native state. In reality, voters here — especially conservatives — began souring on Flake long before Trump arrived on the scene. By the time I moved back here in early 2018, the only prominent Republican in the state more loathed than Flake by conservatives was John McCain. In fact, McCain had far more to do with Flake’s political demise here in the Grand Canyon State than Trump.

Flake was a rock-solid conservative when he served in the House of Representatives. Voters were expecting more of the same when they elected him to replace the recently retired Jon Kyl. Instead, he almost instantly became John McCain’s “Mini Me.”