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Trump easily wins CPAC 2021 straw poll

I’m personally of the belief, that Donald Trump probably wouldn’t run again for president in 2024, because why? There are plenty of America First candidates who could win, and carry on the Trump legacy. If you are Donald Trump, why subject yourself and your family to the absolute bullshit that you had to deal with since 2016 and when you became president? Still, should Trump run in 2024, he easily won today’s CPAC 2021 in Dallas straw poll. Notice who gets ZERO.. Mike Pence.

Should Trump decide not to run, like I think he will do in 2024, Ron DeSantis easily wins the straw poll. If Trump doesn’t win, the nomination is DeSantis’ to lose at this point.

Guess who comes in at zero percent again… Traitor Mike Pence.