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Wow! Fox Rupert Murdoch personally made Arizona early call for Biden on election night, saying f*ck Trump according to Michael Wolff in his new book

You had to know the truth would come out eventually about election night and the very early Arizona call. Turns out according to a new book from Michael Wolff that it was Rupert Murdoch who decided to have his anti-Trump stooges call Arizona early. Lachlan Murdoch, the liberal bastard soon of China Rupert Murdoch got his father on the phone to ask if he wanted to make the early call. His father, with signature grunt, assented, adding, ‘F*** him. If you weren’t already boycotting Fox News before this, I hope this pushes you over the edge to finally start.

Not even the other left wing media outfits would call Arizona for days. Fox News was the first, apparently thanks to anti-Trump Rupert Murdoch. Well, f*ck him and his network!

Rupert Murdoch personally made the decision to allow Fox News to broadcast that it had called Arizona for Joe Biden in the 2020 election, a new book reveals.

Donald Trump and his aides were furious when Fox News became the first network on election night to call Arizona for Biden. And the founder of News Corp. was behind the decision, revealed Michael Wolff in his forthcoming book ‘Landslide.’

On election night, Murdoch’s son Lachlan, the CEO of Fox Corporation, got a call from the network’s election-data operation shortly after 11 p.m. ET saying they were ready to declare Arizona for Biden.

The state was highly competitive during the contest and had not gone for a Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1996. Biden and Trump both campaigned hard for the state with Biden winning a coveted endorsement from Cindy McCain.

Wolff notes in his book, according to an excerpt published by Business Insider, that the Murdoch family had ‘every reason’ to delay calling Arizona, given Fox’s pro-Trump stance and the fact that no other network had made the call yet.

‘Lachlan got his father on the phone to ask if he wanted to make the early call. His father, with signature grunt, assented, adding, ‘F*** him,” Wolff wrote.

Fox News calling Arizona was a pivotal moment in the coverage of the election as the earlier results showed Trump had a chance he could retake the White House.