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What ever happened to Stormy Daniels?

Now that CNN’s favorite extortion artist Michael Avenatti has been locked up, whatever happened to Stormy Daniels, the pawn of Avenatti to make a new for himself during the early years of the Trump administration?

Turns out Daniels is still “performing” in dive strip clubs around the country, and is a failed stand up comic (who couldn’t see this coming). Oh, the slut is also pursuing a lifelong interest in paranormal phenomena, including ghosts and discarnate entities.

Since she’s a has been and a washed up old slut, she can’t make much off strip clubs these days, so the media has thrown her a life line of sorts.

Daniels and her team have aimed their tour bus toward the most haunted places in the country, trying to engage with ghosts or spirits as part of her self-funded TV project called “Spooky Babes.”

Daniels says the entities she’s encountered are, for the most part, not malevolent.

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“I would say 95 to 95%? No, absolutely not,” she said during a recent interview. “They’re benevolent or indifferent even, you know what I mean? I’ve only come across a few things that were really, really negative. And the Conjuring House is the only one that physically attacked somebody. If you get touched, or even pushed a little bit or even scratched, it doesn’t mean there’s a demon. It doesn’t mean that it’s negative. It just might be something trying to get your attention.”