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Circle back witch Psaki defends anonymous Hunter Biden “artwork” purchasers

Circle back witch Psaki defended the anonymous purchasers of Hunter Biden’s so called “artwork”. Yes, when a crackhead is the son of dementia addled installed president, he can get away with anything, and because he’s a Democrat, there wouldn’t be any followup.

The White House on Friday defended the sales arrangement put in place to guard against potential conflicts of interest involving the art career of President Biden’s oldest son, Hunter.

“After careful consideration, a system has been established to allow Hunter Biden to work in his profession within reasonable safeguards,” press secretary Jen Psaki said at a briefing with reporters. “Of course he has the right to pursue an artistic career, just like any child of a president has the right to pursue a career.”

Psaki said a professional gallery owner will set prices on Biden’s artwork and handle all transactions. Any offer above the sales price or deemed suspect will be rejected as part of the arrangement, she said.

“I think it would be challenging for an anonymous person who we don’t know and Hunter Biden doesn’t know to have influence. So that’s a protection,” she said when asked whether a private gallery owner might be unfamiliar with individuals seeking to buy Biden’s artwork to curry favor with the administration.

The gallery handling Biden’s art told CBS News on Friday that the paintings could fetch between $75,000 and $500,000 each.