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Tax payer funded NPR trashes the Declaration of Independence and 4th of July

I’ll say this about the left and the communist news media, including left wing, and tax payer funded NPR. They don’t hide their hate of the country and all it stands for anymore. Like Cori Bush, like Maxine Waters, NPR hates the country. They especially hate the Declaration of Independence and 4th of July. Worst part is your tax dollars fund this shit! Republicans had control of the entire government in 2017-January 2019. Yet they never even mentioned defunding left wing tax payer funded propaganda like NPR. I can’t get excited about a Republican house doing this is they even win in 2022.

Seriously, why do these communist scum continue living here? If we are such a flawed, evil, racist and unequal country, then go soewhere you’d feel better. Cuba, China, Iran all need your ideology! You’d be welcome with open arms I’m sure!