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Eric Adams lead dwindles, claims “irregularities” in New York City

Eric Adams was widely regarded as the man who would likely win the November election for New York City’s mayor race (for the simple fact he is a Democrat) and had a 10% lead after the initial primary results were released. Now he’s claiming there are “irregularities” in the vote count after such a sudden shift (sounds familiar?). If Eric Adams gets cheated out of the nomination, they will accuse him of being an insurrectionist.

Then poof, just like that 100,000 new votes showed up out of no where, and Eric Adams once thought to be unbeatable lead is now down to under three points. With over 100,000 ballots still to be counted, his challenger, Kathryn Garcia who was third on election night is now within 2.2 percentage points. Garcia would need to win absentees about 58.4% to 41.6% to win the primary. Based one what insiders and pollsters are saying, Garcia might actually pull this off. Garcia is a bigger communist than Adams, and Eric Adams pretends to be pro-police. AOC’s candidate Maya Wiley at least is eliminated.

Does this give anyone the same vibes as the November 3rd, 2020 election? I’m just laughing, because now they are pulling this shit on their own, and trying to screw over an African-American, the group they always pander to and claim Republicans hate.

Oh well.