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RINO Lindsey Graham feels like a f*cking idiot, Cassidy “blindsided” after Biden reverses on “infrastructure”

Again, I have to thank Comrade Joe Biden for pulling the rug out from under the RINO frauds on infrastructure, threatening not to sign the bill unless Democrat tax hikes and “human structure” communist bills are rammed through the Senate in reconciliation. Biden completely and totally embarrassed these RINO fraud traitors, and now the weaklings like Lindsey Graham feels “like a f*cking idiot”. Go with that feeling Lindsey, because you are.

Then you have pedo looking Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. He feels “blindsided”. Oh well. You deal with the devil, this is what happens. We don’t need Obama Porkulus 2.0. Again, thank you Joe Biden for embarrassing these frauds!