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MSNBC communist Mara Gay says seeing American flags flying on Long Island is ‘just disturbing’

MSNBC communist Mara Gay got triggered. She saw American flags flying on Long Island, New York and found it “just disturbing”. If you left wing communist scum get this triggered over the sight of the American flags, why don’t you move to China or Cuba already where you would be much happier. Even Iran probably has spots for you. They hate America just like you left wing communists do. You’d be right at home. Otherwise, fuck you Mara Gay, MSNBC and NBC. Oh and BTW, Mara Gay is also a New York Times editorial board member.

It used to be the Confederate Flag that would really trigger communists like Mara Gay. Now, it’s our country’s flag. Communists love cancel culture? Well then, let’s do this and CANCEL Mara Gay, NBC and the New York Times!

Oh and BTW, Sunday was the 77th anniversary of D-Day. I know it could be hard to forget for communists like Mara Gay especially when the installed president doesn’t even acknowledge it.

As you would expect, other communist Democrats are running to her defense. Check out these commie scum:

GTFO assholes!