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RINO McCarthy demands Fauci step down. Did he clear it with his BFF Frank Luntz?

Even the worthless RINOs like Kevin McCarthy are throwing little Fauci under the bus these days. The big question here is, did McCarthy clear this demand that Fauci resign with his BFF and roommate Frank Luntz? The fat, doughboy “pollster” has been quiet lately, which is quite the change.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) believes Dr. Anthony Fauci should leave his post with the Biden administration, saying during an appearance on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday the American people “don’t have trust” in him.

McCarthy told host Matthew Boyle that trusting the officials tasked with answering questions surrounding coronavirus, such as the virus’s origin, is imperative and that Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has squandered that trust.

The GOP leader’s comments come after more than 3,000 of Fauci’s emails, which BuzzFeed News obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request and made public this week, raised new questions about the medical chief’s management of coronavirus.

“I mean everything we’re finding there, how can the president— and I know the American people don’t have trust in Dr. Fauci,” McCarthy said. “Let’s find a person we can trust. Take politics aside. I mean we’re talking about American lives here.”