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E-mail to Fauci in January 2020 – SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has “unusual features” that “potentially look engineered”

So even back in January of last year, before the entire country was shut down because of the Wuhan lab virus, red flags were being raised with Fauci about the virus that made it look, at least potentially engineered and having unusual features. These e-mails surprisingly were released by Buzzfeed of all places after a FOIA request was granted. So that little weasel Fauci knew this is potentially a bioweapon back in January of 2020, and what did he do? NOTHING!

This is an act of war by China, and act of treason by Fauci and the media for shutting down any discussion about this virus being made in a lab and potentially a bioweapon.