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Fauci: “We don’t want to declare victory prematurely” (over COVID)

Looks like Fauci is getting a little worried about the lab leak theory from Wuhan and is trying to distract attention away from China, his master. Fauci who loves to see and hear himself on TV and in the news is trying to keep Americans scared of the COVID-19 by declaring it’s too early to declare victory over COVID-19, despite the lowest level of infections in over a year. Stay scared my friends! Fauci is nothing more than a quack and a stooge of China.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the top infectious diseases expert in the US, has warned it is too early to declare victory against Covid-19 as cases fall in the country to the lowest rates since last June.

“We don’t want to declare victory prematurely because we still have a ways to go,” Fauci told the Guardian in an interview. “But the more and more people that can get vaccinated, as a community, the community will be safer and safer.”

The Memorial Holiday weekend marks the unofficial start of summer in the US, and for the at least 50% of the adult population that is fully vaccinated, it could usher in a season of maskless barbecues and trips to the beach.

Daily coronavirus cases have dropped 53% since 1 May, according to Johns Hopkins University data, but the rates are still high in the unvaccinated population and cases are growing globally. Already there have been more global cases in 2021 than in all of 2020, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

“As long as there is some degree of activity throughout the world, there’s always a danger of variants emerging and diminishing somewhat the effectiveness of our vaccines,” said Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Niaid).