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48,000 of the “new jobs” created in April’s dismal report were Federal, state and local governments jobs

The pathetic, anemic and putrid jobs report for April is even worse than being reported. Not only were 266,000 jobs added when all the so called “economic experts” predicted about a million new jobs for April, a good chunk of them were government jobs, not private sector jobs. 48,000 of the 266,000 new jobs added in April were Federal, state and local governments jobs. So the government is expanding with increase public unemployment. Sounds wonderful huh?

Federal, state and local governments in the United States increased their employment by a combined 48,000 workers in April, according to the numbers released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

From March to April, the number of workers employed by government in the United States climbed from 21,543,000 to 21,591,000.