Obviously, the rat Willard Mitt Romney learned nothing from this weekend being booed off the stage by over 2,000 at the Utah GOP convention. As Liz Cheney continues to piss off the voting base and lobby for a job at CNN after she gets crushed in her 2022 primary, Willard the rat Mitt Romney is running to run interference for her on Twitter. Can’t say I’m surprised. Romney the rat will never learn why people hate him. No amount of ass kissing to the Democrats will ever make them like him and he’s burned all his bridges with Republicans.
Every person of conscience draws a line beyond which they will not go: Liz Cheney refuses to lie. As one of my Republican Senate colleagues said to me following my impeachment vote: “I wouldn’t want to be a member of a group that punished someone for following their conscience.”
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) May 4, 2021
Keep trying rat Romney. Soon we will be coming for the firing of your niece coRona McRomney!