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Plurality of U.S. likely voters consider Biden first 100 days in office a “failure”

Mush mouth Joe Biden, who’s first one hundred days installed in office has been a complete and total embarrassment, failure and joke. From Kerry’s treason, to Biden’s falling, to losing his mask to stupid gaffes, Americans are finally waking up to the nightmare that was pulled off last year. More voters than not consider Biden and epic total failure, despite all the media cheerleading, media hype and Democrat spin.

A plurality, or 44 percent, said the commander-in-chief’s first 100 days have been a “failure,” followed by 36 percent who said it has been a “success,” 18 percent who said “somewhere in between,” and 2 percent who remain unsure.

Opinions are predictably divided along party lines, as nearly three-quarters of Republicans consider Biden’s first 100 days a failure, compared to 16 percent of Democrats who said the same. A majority of Democrats, 67 percent, consider Biden’s first 100 days a success, compared to 12 percent of Republicans and 26 percent of independents who held the same sentiments.

When asked if Biden has proven to be a “better present or a worse president” than expected, a plurality, or 39 percent, chose “worse,” while 26 percent said “better.” One-third of voters said his performance has been what they expected. Once again, opinions are sharply divided on party lines, with 60 percent of Republicans saying his performance has been worse, while 17 percent of Democrats said the same. Notably, a plurality of Democrats — not a majority — said his performance has been better than expected.