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Cuomo blocks release of COVID nursing home data

Hey, remember Andrew Cuomo, the corrupt governor of New York? He’s sort of dropped out of the news lately as no new women have come forward to accuse him of sexual harassment or assault. The media of course doesn’t want to tell you about his latest slimy move, the block the release of COVID nursing home data. The number of those dead from nursing home COVID cases, thanks to Cuomo is over 15,000. That’s why he doesn’t want to release it, and that’s why no corrupt left wing media will pressure him to do so.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office won’t reveal what it told the Justice Department about COVID-19 outbreaks in nursing homes, rejecting Freedom of Information requests from The Post and other media outlets — claiming in part that doing so would be an “invasion of personal privacy.”

“Please be advised that portions of the records that respond to your request are exempt
from disclosure pursuant to Public Officers Law § 87(2)(b) because, if disclosed, would
constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy,’” Jaclyn Clemmer, the governor’s record access officer, wrote in a denial response to The Post.

The Associated Press received a similar denial letter.

Clemmer didn’t explain whose privacy might be invaded, or how. The Post did not request any personal ID information of nursing home residents. She also said the records sought were exempt from public disclosure because the release would “interfere with law enforcement investigations.”